Books with Wings is a Toronto not-for-profit organization which sends brand new, quality picture books and personal letters to First Nations children who reside in isolated Canadian communities. Founded in 2011, the organization consists of four dedicated volunteers who are driven by the belief that literacy, education and equal opportunity are critical elements in the transformation of the lives of First Nations children. Books with Wings thus aims to encourage early literacy skills in children who do not have access to books of their own. We choose only literature which inspires curiosity, creativity and a love of reading. Books with Wings works with schools on a long-term basis, so children come to know us personally through our correspondence. Ultimately, our goal is to befriend a young child and to help give him or her a brighter future through the written word.
Thank you to artist Paula Banks for the creation and use of her beautiful images on our website.
Books with Wings has no administrative fees; 100% of donations go directly to the purchase of books and their transportation.